For Physicians

People with cancer have a very special bond with their physicians and rely on them to diagnose and treat them. Patients and their families also look to their physicians for encouragement, hope and direction. Many, if not most, physicians, including those practicing medical oncology are “time squeezed” managing treatment and side effects and may not have as much time as they’d like to fully explore their patients’ emotional concerns.

Chapters might be a tool that physicians can suggest to encourage patients to try and live each day with meaning and purpose during treatment and recovery, or during cancer recurrence or progressive phases of care. Perhaps Chapters can also aid physicians in discussing end of life care, as they help patients explore what accomplishments matter most to them at their current stage of life. For many patients, this includes the family being together, making memories, and having a chance to shape their personal legacy – Chapters TimeCapsules can help them with this. We also believe that TimeCapsules can assist families with their grief and recovery process – and allow their loved ones to remain a cherished presence in their lives.

In response to an introductory meeting to discuss the Chapters vision that Sandy Wheeler, Chapters Founder had with Mitch Garrison, MD, President of the Wenatchee Valley Medical Group and Pete Rutherford, MD, CEO of Confluence Health, they responded in a thank you letter to Sandy Wheeler.

“We want to express how impressed we were with the capabilities and vision cast for Chapters TimeCapsules, the Tribute piece, the Daily Journals, and the Commemorations aspect that deal with life during diagnosis, treatment and in the leaving of a life’s legacy during this season and challenge of our patient’s life. What you presented was inspiring and something we have never seen before, and something we believe would be very beneficial to our patients immediately, especially those that have been diagnosed with a life-threatening, and/or progressive debilitating disease.”


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